
How to Care for Golden Serpent Shears: Growing and Maintenance Guide


Golden serpent shears, also known as Dracaena trifasciata, are a popular and durable houseplant that can add a touch of elegance to any room. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to grow and care for your golden serpent shears, including types, pruning, propagating, potting, overwintering, pests, and common problems.

Types of Golden Serpent Shears

Golden serpent shears come in different varieties, each with unique characteristics. Some common types include:

  • Dracaena trifasciata ‘Hahnii’: Also called bird’s nest snake plant, it grows up to six inches tall and has leaf clusters that form a bird’s nest clump.
  • Dracaena angolensi (formerly Sansevieria cylindrical): This cylindrical snake plant has round, stiff leaves that can reach several feet in length. The leaves arch outward from a central crown.
  • Dracaena trifasciata ‘Laurentii’: This variegated snake plant has creamy yellow leaf margins. To propagate this plant, it must be divided rather than propagated from leaf cuttings.
  • Dracaena trifasciata ‘Twisted Sister’: This plant has twisted leaves striped horizontally with yellow variegated edges. It grows about 15 inches tall.
  • Dracaena trifasciata ‘Bantel’s Sensation’: This snake plant grows about three feet tall and has narrow leaves with white vertical stripes.
  • Dracaena pearsonii: Sometimes called rhino grass, this plant grows about 12 inches tall with succulent red-tinted leaves.

Pruning Golden Serpent Shears

Pruning your golden serpent shears is important to maintain its shape and promote new growth. Use sterile pruning shears, scissors, or a sharp knife to remove leaves at the soil line or cut off damaged or mature leaves. Pruning during the growing season, usually in the spring or summer, is best as it can stress out the plant. To control the height of your golden serpent shears, remove the tallest leaves. Removing leaves also spurs new leaf growth.

Propagating Golden Serpent Shears

Golden serpent shears are easy to propagate through root division or leaf cutting. It’s best to propagate during the growing season in the spring or summer. Here’s how:

Propagate via Root Division:

  1. Gather a sharp knife, a clean pot, and cactus potting soil.
  2. Pull the root ball out of the old pot and place the plant on a flat surface.
  3. Using your hand, gently brush away the soil from the root structure or rhizome.
  4. Using the sharp knife, divide the plant into sections, making sure the roots for each section remain intact.
  5. Replant the new golden serpent shears sections into a clean pot with cactus potting soil.
  6. Water it and place it in a partly sunny location.

Propagate via Leaf Cutting:

  1. Using sterilized scissors, a sharp knife, or pruning shears, slice off a long, healthy leaf from your golden serpent shears.
  2. Root the leaf cutting in water by placing it in a clean jar of water, submerging the cut end. Place it in a partially sunny spot and look for root growth.
  3. Every few days, top off the water, keeping it level. Every two weeks, dump the old water and refill with clean water to inhibit bacterial or algae growth.
  4. Once roots develop at least an inch long, plant the root end in a well-draining cactus potting mix.
  5. Water it and place it in a partially sunny spot.

Potting and Repotting Golden Serpent Shears

When potting golden serpent shears, it is important to choose a well-draining potting mix or a mixture of cactus potting soil and regular potting soil. These plants prefer a slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soil pH. As slow-growing plants, they typically do not require frequent repotting. Repotting should be done in the spring, using fresh potting soil, and a pot that provides adequate drainage. When repotting, gently loosen the roots and remove any dead or damaged roots. Place the plant in a pot that is one size larger than its current pot.

Overwintering Golden Serpent Shears

Golden serpent shears are sensitive to cold temperatures and cannot tolerate frost. Therefore, it is important to bring them indoors before temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. During the winter, these plants go dormant and stop growing. In order to avoid overwatering, it is best to water them only when the soil is completely dry. This may mean watering only once every six weeks.

Pests and Diseases

Golden serpent shears are relatively resistant to pests and diseases. However, they may occasionally be affected by spider mites, mealybugs, and scales. To prevent pest infestations, keep the plant in a well-ventilated area and avoid overwatering. If you notice any pests, remove them immediately using a solution of water and dish soap or a commercial insecticide.

Common Problems with Golden Serpent Shears

Overwatering is the most common problem that affects golden serpent shears. This can lead to root rot, which can cause the plant to wilt and eventually die. To avoid overwatering, allow the soil to dry out completely before watering. In addition, be sure to use a pot with adequate drainage and avoid watering the leaves or stem of the plant.


Golden serpent shears are beautiful and unique houseplants that are relatively easy to care for. By following the guidelines outlined above, you can ensure that your plant stays healthy and thrives for years to come. Whether you’re an experienced plant owner or a beginner, golden serpent shears are a great addition to any home.

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